Print component progress (PCP) PP#28

     I'm done with my editing, which I'll talk about in a later blog post.  I've made quite a bit of additions to my social media page, which can be seen here.  Now, all that's left is the print component.  I started it a couple weeks ago, and had a ton of concept ideas for it, and last week I started actually creating it, and even though I only have the first page, I really like what I have so far. 

    You might recall this postcard ad, I made it a while back as just concpet.  I couldn't really use it as my actual photo becasue the person on the bottom isn't David lol.  As cool as it looks, I would need to personalize it a little bit by adding my own photo, but I still wanted to keep the basic premise of the idea above.  I actually even got some feedback in my class when we did little groups regarding our blogs.  I showed my class mates the concept photo above, and they though it was really cool, so I knew I was heading in the right direction.  

    This is my postcard ad!  As you can see, I kept a lot fo the core elements, swapped some things around, and even added some new things.  First of all, I added my main actor David to the poster, just so his face is readily seen and is going to be associated with the film, while also still showing that headset lodged onto his face.  Additionally, I added a quote to the side, given by me.  I took some inspiration from the cover art of Deadpool, whci can be seen here:

    As you can see, there's a quote made by Deadpool, which adds like a funny notion to the film , and how it'll add funny elements with some dark elements.  And although the cover above is a video game, the overall premise I want to convey with eh quote can still be used within my short film.  It's an action film, so chances are the viewers aren't really going to dive headfirst into the story, instead simply enjoying the action ensuing on the screen, simply saying "awesome." 

It's funny, I liked the stupid satircal aspect to it, and the art deign of it seems pretty cool, and overall I'm happy with the design!



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