I have ten weeks for this project... This is what I hope to accomplish every week.
Week 1: This is the planning phase. I still have to storyboard my original concept into a five-minute piece, along with seeing if this idea even looks good on paper. I plan on relating back to many of my previous storyboards and comparing the run times of those and seeing how much I need to produce for this project. Additionally, I need actors for this, and I have already contacted them about my idea and they, fortunately, seem very on board. This actually leads to my final aspect of this week. Teaching fight choreography. I've done a ton of research on fight choreography, which can be seen in my previous post in which I mentioned a couple of videos that I like to watch. I plan on not only showing my actors some of these videos but also maybe throwing together a PowerPoint presentation to get them ready for the filming part.
Week 2: More planning, especially with props this week. I want like a ton of fake blood for the fight sequence. Gonna have to figure out how to do that. Also, gonna start teaching my actors the possibility how to be an actor in a fight scene. Should be fun. Along with the presentation I want to hand them the full script so they can get comfortable with their characters and be prepared prior to coming on set.
Week 3: I plan on shooting this project super early, and I want to leave the editing part and other components of the project for later so I don't feel rushed when doing those parts. So filming would take up the majority of this week.
Week 4: Shooting would probably leak into this week as well, so I plan on shooting here, ending it off as soon as possible so I could move towards editing.
Week 5: Editing! My favorite part about any project is editing, and I plan on spending one to two weeks editing this band boy, so expect this week, along with the next one to have me doing tons of editing.
Week 6:Similar to what the week above is, I plan on editing throughout this week as well, refining the project and making it loos as good as I possibly can.
Week 7: Once I complete editing, I would start to work on the minor tasks, which are the social media page and the postcard advertisement. I'm not the most skilled with PhotoShop, but I plan on using this and next week in order to focus on these parts and make sure that they come out looking pristine.
Week 8: Like I said before, this would also be a week taken up the smaller tasks, since I'm not really as well versed in PhotoShop as I am in video editing. Deinfelty would need two weeks for this.
Week 9: I plan on doing the CCR this week, and taking a couple days to record my progress and write an essay about it.
Week 10: Refinement, this is the week where I look back on everything and make sure that everything looks good, like the piece, ad, and social media page. If anything looks out of place, I would go back and fix it.
This is my schedule, it's really simplified, which is good because it allows me to follow a schedule that isn't jampacked with specifics, but things always can change, so while one week might have been designed for one thing, chances are untimely events could occur and swap some dates around. But I like how this schedule looks, and it definitely seems plausible. Only one way to find out!
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