Screenplay Made+Updates! PP#13

         Tomorrow officially starts filming, but I've been absent for a couple days, so let me update you.  I managed to complete the screenplay, which will be sent out to the actors today.  I want them to get comfortable with the script before filming so it is not all new to them once actual production starts.  

The screenplay!: 

        So I've sent that out to everyone, so they can get a little comfortable with their roles till shooting starts.  Everything's been pretty hectic recently, so I'm glad I got it out there before the actual shooting.  But with that out of the way, I think I should talk a little bit about what's happening outside the project.  

        I've said previously in my other blogs that I was moving!  And I am currently in the midst of actually moving from one house to another.  All my belongings are currently in a UHUAL truck, except for the items that I need for filming!  But not only has this project lead me to not be able to focus properly on schoolwork, but also, especially this project.  I'm still managing to get by, but this week has been stressful nonetheless.  

        Production and shooting should start tomorrow.  I'll keep you updated!



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