Man, fonts are hard to find.
I think I spent a good 30 minutes of genuinely looking at fonts. And it was so frustrating because they all looked the same, and then I would scroll past a couple outliers that were just so crazy, there would be no way to include it in my opening.
DaVinci fortunately made it easy to find fonts, since they had a bunch to choose from, but I knew what I would generally go for when it comes to the specific font that I wanted to find. Firstly, I wanted a font that would fit both in a fantasy setting, and a realistic setting. Therefore, I would be able to keep continuity when showing off the actors names, in both the beginning fantasy portion, and the realistic second part.
Then, I wanted something simple to read. Big bold lettering would've been preferred, and I wanted to make sure the font would be able to be read in an instant, and wouldn't make the audience think twice or have to squint their eye.
Then, after some digging, I came to the C section of the alphabetically listed fonts, and came across Castellar.
It was love at first sight. The font looked fitting enough to be subjected into real life, and also had a fantasy look to it. The lettering looks something outta ancient Rome, which is good since the beginning part is supposed to be taken place long ago.
Overall, I'm really liking how it looks, and it looks really good for the actor title cards, and the general subtitles in the opening.
Here's an example!
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