Looking back, and looking forward PP#4

         Last week was a bit of a doozy, I'm not gonna lie.  I started off with one idea, then completely switched up due to time constraints.  However, with last week behind me, I'm going to not only get my bearings but also discuss how I'm going to overcome that last week and what is going to come ahead.  

        So last week, I figured, "Hey animation sounds cool!"  And while yes it sounds cool, the overall structure would just be time-consuming, so this lead me back to the drawing board.  With this in mind, I wanted to do live-action, and I want to fixate on a genre.  So most of last week was just comprised of me trying to push myself towards my original idea, only leaving me biting off more than I can chew.  This unfortunately spent about 5 days of precious time that I could've used researching.  

        Speaking of research, I have done quite a few!  I've scoured the internet, mostly YouTube, and managed to come across a couple of openings, such as The Dark Knight, Baby driver, etc.  And while, yes, these openings are absolutely awesome, they wouldn't really pose as good inspiration just due to the large budget/environment these are taken in.  However, the idea of cinematography, like in the dark Knight, and the drone shots used, are definitely going to be referenced later on.  

        But then I came across this one, as I was going down my recommended.  

        Now not only do I really like Stranger Things, but I'm a huge nerd for Dungeons and Dragons, and I play with my friends very often.  I really wanted to include this element of a "friend group" in my opening, since it would give a vibe that really couldn't be achieved otherwise.  

        So with Dungeons and Dragons in mind, I figured the genre would lean towards a comedy/indie sort of film, maybe like Napoleon Dynamite, but also lean towards Stranger Things as the movie would focus on a group of friends just enjoying life and hanging out, and I'd love to have an opening like this.  

        I'll come up with a rough idea tomorrow, and keep you guys updated!


Some videos I watched!:







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