Idea Constructed! PP#5

         Hello everyone!  Hope you're having an amazing day!

    I've been thinking all day today, and I unfortunately have to take one vital aspect into account while filming.

   I'm moving in one month!

    So yeah, I'm going to be moving on about March 10th, so I have to film rather fast for this project.  But that's no issue!  I've worked under hard time constraints before, and this one shouldn't be too hard considering the actual filming portion for this idea I'm brewing up should take about a day or two.  

    And speaking of the idea.... I've conjured up a rough idea of what I plan to do!  I'm going to stick to the genres I talked about yesterday, because I feel like it would totally fit for what I'm trying to get at.

    Now, picture this:

    A knight and his fellow squire are out, dying in the middle of a field during a battle,

    "I can't go any longer.... Tell my family I loved them..."  The dying squire says to his companion, while coughing up blood.  

    After dying out in his friends hand, a large yelp proceeds to fill up the screen.


    A match cut shows a group of friends playing Dungeons and Dragons, a RPG table-top game.

    "Wait, did I just die?" says David.

   " Yup" says the Dungeon Master Josh.

    "That's bullsh*t!" says David, furiously.  

    The two seemingly go on and on, in a jokingly manner of course, of how David dying doesn't make sense, while the other participants at the table pretty much just sit there and snicker.

    After a little bit of quarreling, David lays back and accepts defeat.  Once doing so, he receives a text message from his mother, saying its getting late and it's time to come home.  David says goodbye to his fellow friends, and walks home as the opening title begins to play.

    So there's my idea!  Do you like it?  Let me know in the comments below!

    I like the idea of having most of the scene shot between the two characters having some dialogue, as it would not only limit the amount of production and recording to be necessary, but I believe the funny dynamic between the two arguing would fuel the comedic vibe I want from this movie.  

    I'm going to tell my friends about the idea, and hope that they're all onboard for this idea.  

    I'll let you know what they say once I get a reply!



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